Could Not Reproduce Cannot cast modal cards even with open mana with cards such as Thraben Charm and Requisition Raid


New member
When i either tap the mana before or select the card to cast prior to tapping mana and selecting the modes I would like to cast the cast button remains greyed and cannot be selected. does anyone have a solution to this issue? cause I am unable to use a great deal of modal cards and it has already cost me a lot of games as they are dead cards in my hand.


MTGO Regular
I seem to recall Tony saying somewhere that the "workaround" was to select the bottom option first, then de-select it if you don't want it.
Haven't tested, as I haven't had any problems with modal spells for some reason.


MTGO Regular
Was about to post about this exact thing. Lost a game I absolutely should have won cause the game wouldn't allow me to cast Archdruid's Charm to remove the creature that was killing me. I promise that despite the "Could Not Be Reproduced" that this IS an issue. I've had it happen multiple times before myself with modal cards and this time it really sucked cause it cost me a game I should have won.

But yeah, same problem. You click the option you want but the cast button will always stay greyed and prevent you from ever casting it.

Game ID: 881323052


I have reported this bug before
So it’s opponent’s turn and my land is all untapped. I have opened no possible play yield all on cause it a very convince and work nice on other cards.
Opponent cast a spell, this spell is put onto the stack. So I’m going to cast kozilek’s command as respond.
I tapped all land for mana ,I control nothing expect land, cast kozilek’s command is only thing i can do. I clicked kozilek’s command…
And the spell in stack resolved ,it changed every thing…I even have a mode select on my screen but it not work.
I have been yield cause program think I have no possible play.
I meet this bug everyday and every match
No possible play:yield all is a very good function I don’t want to close .
I’ve reported is bug before and it says can’t reproduce but I reproduce it every time I have command in hand and forget close ‘nppya’
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MTGO Regular
Have you tried clicking the spell first and THEN tapping the mana?

I've found that is a workaround for some casting problems I've had.


Community Team
Have you tried clicking the spell first and THEN tapping the mana?

I've found that is a workaround for some casting problems I've had.
Firedake is right here. There are two ways to cast spells on modo, floating mana then casting or clicking the spell then paying mana, and if one of those options is bugged the best solution until the bug is fixed is to switch to the other method.

There is another thread on this issue.


Have you tried clicking the spell first and THEN tapping the mana?

I've found that is a workaround for some casting problems I've had.
yep.but as a modern tron player it’s very hard to switch the spell cast mode.
For example if I want to cast Karn I can:

Click mine. click power plant. click karn.

Or click karn. click mine. click power plant.then click mana four more times.
So this method works too well for me to change into another method in few days and only for one single card


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Community Team
Tag applied: Could Not Reproduce
Testing applied: Tested Kozilek’s Command with creatures of different mana value on the battlefield, with and without cards in the graveyard. Tested with and without No Possible Play: Yield All. Different combinations of Stops and Game State Stops.
Test Results: When the user had untapped lands or floating mana in his mana pool a Stop occurred giving user priority and allowing him to cast Kozilek’s Command.

Notes: As a suggestion, I would reset the Stops from the In-Duel Setting in the Settings Menu and testing other combinations of In-Match Stops.