MTGO Regular
I feel this has probs been asked before. But I'd absolutely LOVE if we could have some lil option we could check a box for that just autopaid for mana costs rather than making us click through each time.
This would especially help with stuff like doing the infinite Basalt Monolith trick in Kinnan where you have to like tap it, add the mana, click it again, go over to the lil mana pips and click 3 times to untap, go back over to the Monolith, tap it...etc. It would be easier for both the person with the monolith and the annoyed opponent who has to sit through it if you could just tap it, add the mana, click it again and have it autopay and untap and so on.
And just generally it pretty commonly comes up where I wish I had the option to autopay rather than have to manually click each mana.
This would especially help with stuff like doing the infinite Basalt Monolith trick in Kinnan where you have to like tap it, add the mana, click it again, go over to the lil mana pips and click 3 times to untap, go back over to the Monolith, tap it...etc. It would be easier for both the person with the monolith and the annoyed opponent who has to sit through it if you could just tap it, add the mana, click it again and have it autopay and untap and so on.
And just generally it pretty commonly comes up where I wish I had the option to autopay rather than have to manually click each mana.