ARM processor support


.NET Framework 4.8.1 includes native support for arm64, though by default the runtime may still fall back to x64/x86 mode (for applications that don't explicitly target ARM). To change this behavior, the application manifest will have to be updated to include arm64 in its supportedArchitectures element.

There are some more quirks to this as detailed here, though as long as MTGO doesn't have any native dependencies I would expect this to work OOB when in arm64 mode.


Out of curiosity, if anyone has Windows 11 for ARM on hand and .NET Framework 4.8.1 installed, could you try running the following command in PowerShell and see if it launches MTGO in arm64 mode?
runas /machine:arm64 /trustlevel:0x20000 "rundll32.exe dfshim.dll,ShOpenVerbApplication"
This will execute the same command that's run by the MTGO shortcut under arm64 mode as a standard user. It's possible that the installer (ClickOnce) will launch in arm64 mode, but MTGO itself won't.