Resolved Allow Us To Block Chat

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MTGO Regular
As it stands now the "Allow chat from only buddies" doesn't really work. As it just seems to remove the chat window for me but the other player can still send messages and ill still get notifications. I understand I can click "allow chat from only buddies" and unclick the "incoming chat message" notification. But then I'm also missing notifications from people I do wish to speak to and they STILL can send their comments I just wont be notified.

It just really sucks always having to get nasty lil comments and harassment when I just want to play the game without having any sort of verbal exchange.

While I understand it'd only really work in 1v1 games. I'd really appreciate it there was an option to block chat so that my opponent in 1v1 wouldn't even see a chat window to type in.


MTGO Regular
If you're downvoting this idea or you don't like it. Could you at least give any sort of feedback on why you wouldn't want people to simply have the option to opt out of chat if they so chose?


Can't you just block people as and when they send you comments that you don't like?
In game you can "opt out" of chat by just closing the chat window.


MTGO Regular
Can't you just block people as and when they send you comments that you don't like?
In game you can "opt out" of chat by just closing the chat window.
I totally get all that, but ideally I'd like to just PLAY people rather than have to block anyone or have to engage in any chat at all.

And like I said in OP Im aware you can close the chat and turn off notifications, but this makes it harder for me to get messages from friends and still allows the other person to send them when ideally I'd really appreciate if we could have an option where chat is fully blocked and when in a 1v1 game both me and the opponent wouldn't even see an option to chat.

Heck maybe even meet somewhere in the middle where we could have an option to block messages from specific users but still play them. So chat window would only be blocked for both sides with those specific people.


Active member
Play the AI if you can't take two seconds of your life to be polite. Imagining showing up to your LGS or a tourney and refusing to even acknowledge anyone else's existence.

Magic is a multiplayer game, that involves basic niceties. If a person saying hi triggers you, maybe find a new a game to play or just play the AI/bot

(You asked why the down vote)


MTGO Regular
Since this is not Arena we're talking about, I don't believe she can "play the AI/bot" unless you're suggesting Solitaire mode.

That being said, Dr. Garfield create M:tG to be a social game. ("If you can't be social, begone!")

Unfortunately, now that it's in online format, people who would not normally confront anyone out of fear of getting their face rearranged, find the freedom of anonymity in cyberspace releases their inner jackass. Behind the safety of their keyboards they become 10 feet tall & bulletproof.
Ask yourself: Is what I’m about to type a productive comment, or am I just feeding my desire to call someone an idiot, thereby making myself one instead?


Active member
Pot black my passive aggressive friend. It's why people don't get honest feedback anymore, because they ask, people give, and then white knights jump out the woodwork to try and defend them cuz you know, they are inferior so need your superior brave self to impose upon them the soft discrimination of the low bar of expectations.

She was wondering to the point she literally made a second post asking people why and then you are upset that people dare give her what she wanted cuz you know, what we should do it either ignore her or lie instead lol. Thanks for making me smile woman.

I have no idea on the AI TBH, I assume MTGO has it, every other client does even the free ones like XMage for exactly people like her. Still a simply away around the entire issue would be for our OP to simply label her rooms, i.e. "Chat is turned off, don't message me as people are scary / I can't be bothered to treat you as a human" and then you don't have to worry about people joining your game and then getting mad and messaging you OUTSIDE the game via DM (which is her complaint) because they thought you were rude asf. And no that isn't a bridge to far, there are two gals on MTGO in the modern room that always label their room like that to avoid this exact situation.


MTGO Regular
Play the AI if you can't take two seconds of your life to be polite. Imagining showing up to your LGS or a tourney and refusing to even acknowledge anyone else's existence.

Magic is a multiplayer game, that involves basic niceties. If a person saying hi triggers you, maybe find a new a game to play or just play the AI/bot

(You asked why the down vote)
Lol jeeeeez. Okay, lemme first clarify that I certainly didn't mean that I'm "triggered" by people saying a simple "Hi". That's all good and well, obviously. And I DO actually appreciate that you've taken the time to honestly explain why you downvoted.

I'll also be honest and clarify that the reason I'd like to be able to block chat is well....people like you. You clearly didn't understand the all and just got aggressive, nasty and demeaning over a point I wasn't even trying to make. If all I ever got was just a simple, "Hey GLHF!" I'd never have made this post. I've also never been harassed because I was being "rude af" by not saying hello. That's not something that's ever happened, not once.

As firedrake said, the online environment is COMPLETELY different than IRL. I never have a problem IRL. I've never had someone say "I'd kick your teeth in if I saw you playing that deck" IRL. I've never has someone IRL just sit there with their arms crossed silently with all their cards on the table still refusing to speak OR leave the game and then calling me a slew of nasty things when I ask something like "Hey, are you stalling out right now?" It's literally never...not once ever been because I simply didn't say hi.

But yes, because people like you are sadly pretty common on MTGO. I'd just rather avoid that negativity all together. Having to put "chat is turned off" STILL doesn't stop people from messaging anyway.

Clearly you're someone who is online a LOT, I can definitely see that. You should understand the very clear difference in how people interact online VS IRL. Although I could be wrong, I'm not sure how often you actually do get out and see this difference.


Active member
the online environment is COMPLETELY different than IRL. I never have a problem IRL. I've never had someone say "I'd kick your teeth in if I saw you playing that deck" IRL. I've never has someone IRL just sit there with their arms crossed silently with all their cards on the table still refusing to speak OR leave the game and then calling me a slew of nasty things when I ask something like "Hey, are you stalling out right now?" It's literally never...not once ever been because I simply didn't say hi

Right because IRL you wouldn't play decks that basically every one hates to play against at your LGS because you would quickly find yourself blacklisted and unwelcome in the store or unable to get an opponent especially after a friendly warning or two from the locals after you committed your faux pas but since MTGO doesn't have a true names policy (which it should have TBH) nor a reputational system where we can community kick people engaging in antisocial behavior off after they reach a certain community threshold level instead the people you describe are simply forced to communicate to your poor behavior via words or actions (stalling). Nobody enjoys watching their opponent goldfish for twenty minutes on an infinite combo and outside a league, it's disrespecting and devaluing your opponent so imagine that would they display those behaviors. People show up to play a game, not watch you play with yourself (outside league ofc).

If people are routinely engaging you in antisocial behavior, you might want to look in the mirror at how YOU are interacting with them. People don't tend to stall others nor engage in name calling when they are enjoying themselves with an opponent who values them as people and respects them as equals. I've been on MTGO since 2005 and I can count on two hands the amount of times I've ever had intention overt toxic behavior directed towards me in thirteen years of regular play. Seriously if it's such a problem for you that you need to literally block chats and notifications because the volume of hate coming at you, seriously do some self reflecting on what you are doing to piss off such a large number of opponents because it's not really issue normal conscious and respectful players run into on MTGO. Generally the people I see who turn chat off or complain about chat (including various twitch/youtube influencers) are the toxic ones and generally deserve ever negative thing that gets directed at them as a result.


MTGO Regular
Right because IRL you wouldn't play decks that basically every one hates to play against at your LGS because you would quickly find yourself blacklisted and unwelcome in the store or unable to get an opponent especially after a friendly warning or two from the locals after you committed your faux pas but since MTGO doesn't have a true names policy (which it should have TBH) nor a reputational system where we can community kick people engaging in antisocial behavior off after they reach a certain community threshold level instead the people you describe are simply forced to communicate to your poor behavior via words or actions (stalling). Nobody enjoys watching their opponent goldfish for twenty minutes on an infinite combo and outside a league, it's disrespecting and devaluing your opponent so imagine that would they display those behaviors. People show up to play a game, not watch you play with yourself (outside league ofc).

If people are routinely engaging you in antisocial behavior, you might want to look in the mirror at how YOU are interacting with them. People don't tend to stall others nor engage in name calling when they are enjoying themselves with an opponent who values them as people and respects them as equals. I've been on MTGO since 2005 and I can count on two hands the amount of times I've ever had intention overt toxic behavior directed towards me in thirteen years of regular play. Seriously if it's such a problem for you that you need to literally block chats and notifications because the volume of hate coming at you, seriously do some self reflecting on what you are doing to piss off such a large number of opponents because it's not really issue normal conscious and respectful players run into on MTGO. Generally the people I see who turn chat off or complain about chat (including various twitch/youtube influencers) are the toxic ones and generally deserve ever negative thing that gets directed at them as a result.

So you're literally saying that if you don't like the deck someone is playing that verbal harassment and stalling is justified. In your head "toxic behaviour" is playing decks you don't like NOT harassment and stalling when you're losing.

You feel that it's the responsibility of the other person to play a deck that you like so you don't get upset and act like a child rather than your responsibility to behave in a civil manner and understand it's just a game and people are allowed to play whatever they want.

Lol again. I'll just say to any mods/admins reading this. THIS is what I'm talking about. THIS is exactly the reason I would like to have the option to turn off chat. People like this.
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Active member
No, I'm saying that because Hasbro purposely designed MTGO in a way to prevent the necessary social cues you experience IRL groups from policing bad behavior from it's players who routinely devalue and disrespect their opponents and hence things like verbal communication and wasting your time in the same way you are wasting theirs is the only avenue Hasbro has left them, i.e. it tit for tat after you initiated your aggression by demeaning them. It's completely understandable since you can't seem to get the hint hence the routine level of vitriol you seem to experience on MTGO. Once again, two hands since 2005 the amount of times I've had toxic interactions directed at me, you seem to get that daily from your narrative so like I said, might want to examine why that is.

And this is a prime example, you engage in a conversation and then you immediately are like "oh mods/admin, come save me and protect from the results of my own bad behavior which I initiated".

And no it's not a game people are allowed to play whatever they want outside of a league, no game in the planet is like that out solitaire because games are social by their very nature. Your opponent, outside of a paid league, is GIFTING you their limited time and by sitting down and engaging with you you are both agreeing that the time should be enjoyable as you are returning the favor to them as well, games are mutually beneficial hence why people play them. The fact you can't respect your opponents as a person and seem hellbent on dehumanizing them is why you get the level of hate directed at you. Nobody said you have to play a deck you opponent likes outside of a league but you do have to play a deck that they feel allows them to enjoy the game to because otherwise, why would they even be sitting down to play with you? They are people too and you can't seem to grasp that. If you want to goldfish, go play leagues where competition allows for that given the stakes or Arena which has an AI.

Also don't put words in my mouth, stalling is a complex issue on MTGO and it matters immensely if it's league or non-league. Time is a resource and in leagues stalling is valid tactic at some level, if Hasbro wanted to address it, and they should TBH, they should tweak the inaction timer so it's something like 20 seconds, not two minutes as well as check against the relative times as well, i.e. if your opponent is more than 2 minutes behind you in total clock, they auto lose because in 99% of cases that means they are not giving the game their full undivided attention. No judge in a tournament, nor your LGS, will abide you sitting there for 2+ minutes watching a YouTube video on your phone, running to the food court to get a bite, you boyfriend coming to the table and interrupting the game while you discuss what you want to eat for dinner hours from now, or you deciding to play with your dog rather than advance the game state. As for non-league stalling, well you are free to concede the game. There is absolutely no money on the line hence the win is irrelevant outside your own ego, just right click concede, why sit around and stew making yourself mad .. that's a you problem. At the point someone is stalling you they are communicating you in a way you seem to be to dense to understand that they no longer wish to play with you and are so tired of your continual disrespect that rather than concede themselves as you do when you are in a losing position but feel your opponent respects you, they now value wasting your time more than they value their own time as that is the only avenue they have to try and provide you feedback on your antisocial behavior.

Lastly because I utterly hate that whole line "play magic however you want" marketing speech Rosewater likes to push, let's not pretend it's true because obviously it seems that some people appear from your narrative that the only thing they want to do on MTGO is troll you and yet here you are advocating not letting them play however they want too. Maybe they get great enjoyment out of kitchen timers set at 1 min 59 seconds so they never stall out but I guess you aren't ok with them playing however they want huh. You are the problem here my friend and it's evidenced by the amount of problem interactions you have on MTGO. I don't run into these issues, nor do most people because they grasp MTGO isn't solitaire outside of a league and as such, we adjust our play style to be inclusive and ensure every one, not just ourselves, is having an enjoyable time and feels valued because we are thankful they gave us their limited time on this planet so we could play a game we all love as I can't play it if they aren't even willing to sit down at the table. Maybe learn some humility and compassion, it would go a long way to resolve this non-issue for the overwhelming majority of users ... generally because they aren't toxic unlike you it seems.
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MTGO Regular
No, I'm saying that because Hasbro purposely designed MTGO in a way to prevent the necessary social cues you experience IRL groups from policing bad behavior from it's players who routinely devalue and disrespect their opponents and hence things like verbal communication and wasting your time in the same way you are wasting theirs is the only avenue Hasbro has left them, i.e. it tit for tat after you initiated your aggression by demeaning them. It's completely understandable since you can't seem to get the hint hence the routine level of vitriol you seem to experience on MTGO. Once again, two hands since 2005 the amount of times I've had toxic interactions directed at me, you seem to get that daily from your narrative so like I said, might want to examine why that is.

And this is a prime example, you engage in a conversation and then you immediately are like "oh mods/admin, come save me and protect from the results of my own bad behavior which I initiated".

And no it's not a game people are allowed to play whatever they want outside of a league, no game in the planet is like that out solitaire because games are social by their very nature. Your opponent, outside of a paid league, is GIFTING you their limited time and by sitting down and engaging with you you are both agreeing that the time should be enjoyable as you are returning the favor to them as well, games are mutually beneficial hence why people play them. The fact you can't respect your opponents as a person and seem hellbent on dehumanizing them is why you get the level of hate directed at you. Nobody said you have to play a deck you opponent likes outside of a league but you do have to play a deck that they feel allows them to enjoy the game to because otherwise, why would they even be sitting down to play with you? They are people too and you can't seem to grasp that. If you want to goldfish, go play leagues where competition allows for that given the stakes or Arena which has an AI.

Also don't put words in my mouth, stalling is a complex issue on MTGO and it matters immensely if it's league or non-league. Time is a resource and in leagues stalling is valid tactic at some level, if Hasbro wanted to address it, and they should TBH, they should tweak the inaction timer so it's something like 20 seconds, not two minutes as well as check against the relative times as well, i.e. if your opponent is more than 2 minutes behind you in total clock, they auto lose because in 99% of cases that means they are not giving the game their full undivided attention. No judge in a tournament, nor your LGS, will abide you sitting there for 2+ minutes watching a YouTube video on your phone, running to the food court to get a bite, you boyfriend coming to the table and interrupting the game while you discuss what you want to eat for dinner hours from now, or you deciding to play with your dog rather than advance the game state. As for non-league stalling, well you are free to concede the game. There is absolutely no money on the line hence the win is irrelevant outside your own ego, just right click concede, why sit around and stew making yourself mad .. that's a you problem. At the point someone is stalling you they are communicating you in a way you seem to be to dense to understand that they no longer wish to play with you and are so tired of your continual disrespect that rather than concede themselves as you do when you are in a losing position but feel your opponent respects you, they now value wasting your time more than they value their own time as that is the only avenue they have to try and provide you feedback on your antisocial behavior.

Lastly because I utterly hate that whole line "play magic however you want" marketing speech Rosewater likes to push, let's not pretend it's true because obviously it seems that some people appear from your narrative that the only thing they want to do on MTGO is troll you and yet here you are advocating not letting them play however they want too. Maybe they get great enjoyment out of kitchen timers set at 1 min 59 seconds so they never stall out but I guess you aren't ok with them playing however they want huh. You are the problem here my friend and it's evidenced by the amount of problem interactions you have on MTGO. I don't run into these issues, nor do most people because they grasp MTGO isn't solitaire outside of a league and as such, we adjust our play style to be inclusive and ensure every one, not just ourselves, is having an enjoyable time and feels valued because we are thankful they gave us their limited time on this planet so we could play a game we all love as I can't play it if they aren't even willing to sit down at the table. Maybe learn some humility and compassion, it would go a long way to resolve this non-issue for the overwhelming majority of users ... generally because they aren't toxic unlike you it seems.
Lol idk what to say. I've honestly never really talked to a player so detached from reality. The idea that you think playing magic in a way that upsets you and doesnt let you win, justifies name calling and intentional stalling and that the person just playing magic is the one at fault for making you act like a literal child throwing a tantrum is insaaaane to me. Like you are truly lost in your own world of absolute nonsense and I can tell there's no getting through to that.

Stalling isnt a "complex issue" its manchild baby crap that losers who can't handle the game resort to when they're angry. It ain't that deep. I totally understand if someone doesn't wanna play me, they can concede and move on. They can block me, that's all fine. That's a totally fair and rational response to playing someone you didn't enjoy playing. Heck, I've done it myself. I've never sat there like a baby cause "Dur, my time is wasted so now I waste ur time." I'm an adult honey.

I'll just say again, can we please make it so that "Allow only buddies" closes the window for BOTH players. Players like the one above are why we need this.


Active member
"The fact my opponent retaliate against me for intentionally disrespecting and devaluing them like the Untermensch I think they are is insaaaane to me. Please mommy Hasbro fix it so dozens of notifications I rightly deserve each day don't trigger me because negative feedback that holds me accountable for my narcissisms hurts my feelings and makes me question my life choices" FTFY.

Either way we both said our peace, I'll leave you the last word. I'm indifferent on the feature request itself outside it will simply encourage even more toxicity on MTGO and waste limited dev time on more important UI features or game play items such as implementing missing cards, etc.


MTGO Regular
"The fact my opponent retaliate against me for intentionally disrespecting and devaluing them like the Untermensch I think they are is insaaaane to me. Please mommy Hasbro fix it so dozens of notifications I rightly deserve each day don't trigger me because negative feedback that holds me accountable for my narcissisms hurts my feelings and makes me question my life choices" FTFY.

Either way we both said our peace, I'll leave you the last word. I'm indifferent on the feature request itself outside it will simply encourage even more toxicity on MTGO and waste limited dev time on more important UI features or game play items such as implementing missing cards, etc.

So from your perspective, if someone is playing a deck you don't like and you resort to verbal harassment or stalling because of it, it's entirely the fault of the person playing the deck you don't like. THEY are the toxic person for "wasting the the time you've gifted them" and you are just behaving accordingly.

Are you aware there's actually no rules, anywhere not IRL or on MTGO that state that players have to be sure they're playing a deck that won't upset their opponent? Are you aware there ARE rules IRL and on MTGO that say player's can't resort to verbal harassment or intentionally stall the game when they don't like what's being played?

Do you understand why there are rules against one and not the other? Can you possibly explain how removing chat will encourage MORE toxicity?

In your mind, if someone is playing a deck you don't like, the only option hasbro has left you is to resort to name calling, harassment and stalling. Have you ever considered NOT flapping your mouth and just closing the game and blocking the person? From your perspective, stalling is a completely valid and reasonable reaction to losing and if the other winning player doesn't like it, they can just concede because they're being "toxic" by upsetting you.

In your mind "It's not a game people are allowed to play whatever they want outside of a league, no game in the planet is like that out solitaire." But in actual reality....all CCGs are like that. I certainly cant think of ANY CCG that says "If your deck upsets your opponent, they have the right to verbally harass you because of your toxic behaviour". In fact, banlists aside, every CCG i've ever played or heard of does indeed allow players to play whatever they want as long as they're being civil and not verbally harassing anyone.

From your perspective, If I were playing a casual game IRL and my opponent who hasn't said anything impolite or been verbally hostile in anyway pulls off an infinite combo, It'd be completely reasonable for me to start screaming at them, "THIS IS A CASUAL GAME!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME AND WASTE MY TIME!! YOU'RE A (insert nasty words)!! I SHOULD (insert threat)!! I REFUSE TO PASS PRIORITY!! IM NOT LEAVING, IM NOT CONCEDING I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS PLAY!!" because THEY are the toxic person in that scenario?

Have you ever actually played IRL? I promise you, people DO play infinite combos and aggressive decks. And sure, sometimes it kinda feels bad to lose to it. I'm not saying I never got a lil annoyed or upset but that's just how games go. I certainly never resorted to verbal harassment or requested that they leave. Again, i'm an adult.

TBH hon, it's pretty clear that you're simply not a rational person. Rational people don't come to the conclusions that you've come to. I've never in my life felt I was GIFTING my time to someone by playing them. I've never in my life felt I was being disrespected because someone made a play I didn't like. Again, thats not a mindset that rational human beings have. And I do appreciate your feedback, sincerely. Again, Im hoping the people that matter can see this and have a better understanding of what im talking about now.

P.S: Out of your name FieryJustice on mtgo?
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MTGO Regular
I havent had a problem with rude players but instead of blocking chat entirely, allow ability to block notifications.
See, and like that's mostly fair enough. Its just that ATM that doesn't really work quite right.

Technically speaking you can "allow chat from only buddies" AND "turn off notifications from chat". But that blocks ALL notifications even if friends are messaging you. There currently isn't ANY option to block chat and still receive messages from friends and be notified.

All im asking is if we could just be given the OPTION to FULLY block chat. So that when people start a game with me in 1v1, unless ive added them as a friend, they wouldn't even see a chat window. There would be no chance for them to say anything at all to me. I can show examples of the harassment i've received, I have screenshots, ive reported it before.

If other people want to have chat open, more power to em. I'm certainly not trying to take anyone else's ability to talk away. I just want to have the choice to opt out of conversation completely and be sure my opponent doesnt even have the option to attempt to harass me. If they're upset, they're welcome to block me. Im fine with that. I just dont wish to listen to them.
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MTGO Regular
See, and like that's mostly fair enough. Its just that ATM that doesn't really work quite right.

Technically speaking you can "allow chat from only buddies" AND "turn off notifications from chat". But that blocks ALL notifications even if friends are messaging you. There currently isn't ANY option to block chat and still receive messages from friends and be notified.

All im asking is if we could just be given the OPTION to FULLY block chat. So that when people start a game with me in 1v1, they wouldn't even see a chat window. There would be no chance for them to say anything at all to me. I can show examples of the harassment i've received, I have screenshots, ive reported it before.

If other people want to have chat open, more power to em. I'm certainly not trying to take anyone else's ability to talk away. I just want to have the choice to opt out of conversation completely and be sure my opponent doesnt even have the option to attempt to harass me. If they're upset, they're welcome to block me. Im fine with that. I just dont wish to listen to them.
My suggestion could block in game chat notifications, while only buddies can message you.

kind of like the friend accept thing on facebook lol

That way a player cant open a message after the match to harrass you


MTGO Regular
My suggestion could block in game chat notifications, while only buddies can message you.

kind of like the friend accept thing on facebook lol

That way a player cant open a message after the match to harrass you
Again though, thats what im saying. This option doesnt really work. I COULD do that right now and I am doing it. But what sucks is that not only could people still openly have the option to say whatever they want, but I'd also be turning off notifications from friends as well.

So all I've accomplished is blocking chat "notifications" from EVERYONE. Including the few people I'd actually want to hear from AND in theory the people that want to say a bunch of negative stuff would be completely be able to say whatever they want, they just wouldn't know that I wouldn't be seeing it.

What I'm asking for, which I think is completely reasonable, is an option where I could literally fully block chat from anyone that isn't on my friend's list. As it stands choosing the "allow only buddies" option for chat removes the chat window for ME, just me. Not the person who isnt my friend. They can still see a chat window and say whatever they want. I mean, that certainly doesn't seem to be working as intended. Any person can say whatever they want to me, and my options are either to get notifications for everything they send and not be able to respond or see it until I turn that option off OR turn of ALL chat notifications, even one from friends I DO want to speak with...but mind you they STILL can say whatever they want. There is currently NO actually "allow only buddies" to speak with me. That is NOT currently working as intended.

As it stands, I assure you, a player can indeed send messages to me as much as they want, before, during or after the match. All "allow only buddies" does is make it so that I have to turn that option off to see what they're saying. Anyone can absolutely send whatever they want to me, buddy or not. It just closes that chat window for me.

All im asking for is the option for us to opt out of chat if we choose. Heck, I can confirm that the actual MTGO admins themselves are aware that its not working as intended in the link below.

Ignore chat not working
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MTGO Regular
Again though, thats what im saying. This option doesnt really work. I COULD do that right now and I am doing it. But what sucks is that not only could people still openly have the option to say whatever they want, but I'd also be turning off notifications from friends as well.

So all I've accomplished is blocking chat "notifications" from EVERYONE. Including the few people I'd actually want to hear from AND in theory the people that want to say a bunch of negative stuff would be completely be able to say whatever they want, they just wouldn't know that I wouldn't be seeing it.

What I'm asking for, which I think is completely reasonable, is an option where I could literally fully block chat from anyone that isn't on my friend's list. As it stands choosing the "allow only buddies" option for chat removes the chat window for ME, just me. Not the person who isnt my friend. They can still see a chat window and say whatever they want. I mean, that certainly doesn't seem to be working as intended. Any person can say whatever they want to me, and my options are either to get notifications for everything they send and not be able to respond or see it until I turn that option off OR turn of ALL chat notifications, even one from friends I DO want to speak with...but mind you they STILL can say whatever they want. There is currently NO actually "allow only buddies" to speak with me. That is NOT currently working as intended.

As it stands, I assure you, a player can indeed send messages to me as much as they want, before, during or after the match. All "allow only buddies" does is make it so that I have to turn that option off to see what they're saying. Anyone can absolutely send whatever they want to me, buddy or not. It just closes that chat window for me.

All im asking for is the option for us to opt out of chat if we choose. Heck, I can confirm that the actual MTGO admins themselves are aware that its not working as intended in the link below.

Ignore chat not working
That's not what I'm saying.... there should be an option to disable in game chat notifications, the pop ups. The other player can chat as much as they want but if you don't open the chat log then you wont see or know.

If what i suggested is has been implemented and not working then ya...


MTGO Regular
That's not what I'm saying.... there should be an option to disable in game chat notifications, the pop ups. The other player can chat as much as they want but if you don't open the chat log then you wont see or know.

If what i suggested is has been implemented and not working then ya...

I mean tbh I'd GREATLY prefer if the other person NOT be allowed to chat as much as they want if the person they're playing with has the option turned off.

Ideally I'd like it so that choosing the "Allow only buddies" option for chat quiet literally closed the window for BOTH players. I mean why even give the option for someone to chat if they're talking to no one in that sense? I just dont really see what that would accomplish. Like why not just allow players to completely opt out of chat if they wish and have it be clear to the opponent.

Realistically, which of these scenarios makes more sense?

1. Things remain as they are and there is no option at all to turn off chat. You either can remove chat for YOURSELF and the opponent can still talk to you and you receive notifications for everything they say, you just cant see it or respond until you turn that option off OR you turn that option on AND turn off notifications and now you won't even know when friends are talking to you.

2. We settle with some strange middle ground where you still CANT turn off chat, the opponent can still talk and send messages but they won't know that you're not seeing them but they're free to say whatever they want and if they're saying anything inflammatory you'd have to turn the option off to see what they're saying so you can then report them for their misconduct but still can receive notifications from friends.

3. "Allow chats from only buddies" actually works as intended. Unless someone is on your friends list, when they're playing you the chat window is removed from them as well. Neither player has the option for chat, there is no opportunity to say anything. No words are wasted, no need to toggle options on and off, no one even has the chance to say anything inflammatory and if someone wishes to opt out of chat they're free to do so. Friends can still message you, anyone else can not.

I just don't see why people would feel they need to have the option to chat to no one OR in the case of someone like EOL feel that they need to have the option to resort to verbal harassment because "thats what someone deserves" when they don't like what's being played. Like what's the point of leaving people the option to either harass someone OR talk to no one? Why can't we just turn off chat completely?

Arena THANKFULLY currently doesn't allow chat from people who arent on your friends list and tbh, I really like that. Again, if other people want their chat to be open, thats awesome. I hope they enjoy their chat and make friends and all that great stuff, totally. I'd just like to have the option to completely shut chat off for myself personally.
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