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  1. T

    Could Not Reproduce Bug cards with one more more choices

    please do not mark bugs as "not a bug" please do not mark bugs that five or more people have reported as "cannot reproduce" even if it's too hard for you
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    Confirmed Plaguecrafter doesn't force discard if player can't sacrifice

    My understanding based on job postings and being old is that it's Perl spaghetti code from 2002-3. I'm not sure how much changed between v1 and v2 on the backend, but since then the rules engine has only been updated never refactored or replaced. I'm impressed by how well Daybreak can manage it...
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    Confirmed Hinterland Sanctifier Not in MTGO?

    It's not from the main set; it's from the Beginner Box which has not been released on mtgo. I expect it in the December 11 chest release which will include Jumpstart 2024 cards, but that's only my best guess.
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    Confirmed Michiko konda, truth seeker triggers as opponents choice

    It's an obvious oracle error when they changed the template, and already it is causing more confusion than it will save. @Neo001992 you get it, don't let them waste developer time changing this.
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    Confirmed The Book of Exalted Deeds and Blood Moon/Spreading Seas

    If you check the CR you will see this reminder means "land types and [land] abilities", not all abilities. Mutavault should keep the ability granted by The Book.
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    Resolved Card Zoom stuck on and sometimes black circles

    Thanks for listening Tony and team. (y)
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    Resolved Card Zoom stuck on and sometimes black circles

    User interface disaster. I can't/won't play while it's like this. Y'all are trying new things to improve and I appreciate that, but this one was a gutterball and should have been considered more deeply before release. I've scarcely seen any issues that get this many comments and votes this quickly.
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    Is there a way to switch token artwork?

    I agree, each card should make the associated token from its set. It used to work this way. Being able to choose our tokens ahead of time would be a great upgrade, but until then reverting the change would be nice.
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    Resolved Mizzix's Mastery mechanic fails

    What part doesn't work for you though? I can't try every angle but it's been in a cube I play since it was fixed and working fine both ways.
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    Resolved All Access Pass Upon Set Release

    I know drafters are supposed to pay for everyone else to play Magic but this is a bit extreme.
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    Not A Bug Gravecrawler and Dredging Claws

    When you cast a creature spell it enters the battlefield from the stack, not the graveyard, hand, exile, or whichever zone it originated from. For a card to enter from the graveyard you need to use a spell or effect that moves the card. The first example in Magic is Resurrection which is a...
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    Allow best of three in open play

    Please give us back all the open play configuration options. Masking these behind yet another overlay and reduced interface in the client is like seeing a boarded up window on high street. Makes you wonder what's going to be cutback next. Something like this is not as high priority as some of...
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    Partner message in Commander Masters Drafts

    That's okay, it's usually worth 1-2 sympathy votes which is just as good as winning the game.
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    Resolved Diabolic Servitude bugged

    This has been bugged since 2018 at least. I know this pre-dates Daybreak's excellent stewardship, but including the card in the most frequent cube is frustrating on multiple levels. It makes me think the designer of the cube doesn't play or care about their own design. Where is the system for...
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    Freeform Commanders Partner/Companion

    I was building my Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff/Black Lotus partner deck with Lurrus of the Dream Den companion and ran into the same issue. If we could have a little more freedom in Freeform Companion that would be nice. As ZombieCaller42 said it's allowed in paper after all.
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    Resolved PLEASE ADD Captain N'ghathrod

    Done. Captain N'ghathrod was added to Treasure Chests in February 2023. Grab a copy from your friend or favorite trade bot.
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    Resolved Poxwalkers (Warhammer)

    The previously stated goal was Q2 2023 which has now passed. I understand timeline slips like this, but these cards are highly sought after and constructed relevant so I think many players would be reassured by an update on when 40K could be expected. A bird told me the licensing period was set...
  18. T

    Resolved Council's Judgment not showing initial vote

    I appreciate the attempt to bring clarity by moving the card details to the confirmation interface, but it causes difficulty in determining which permanent was voted for when there is more than one permanent with the same name in play. The old method of showing the vote on the permanent in blue...
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    Could Not Reproduce Izzet Guildmage won't copy sorceries

    Izzet Guildmage is in my cube so I tested this interaction and it all worked for me. I was able to copy Desperate Ritual and Lava Spike, both spliced and unspliced. Maybe there was something else happening in your game that affected it, or possibly the interface is arcane and caused difficulties...
  20. T

    Resolved First Response doesn't trigger

    While playing a game of Commander Legends flashback (thanks for these) I noticed the card First Response did not trigger in the upkeep after its controller took damage. In the game I played the controller was Player 4, and they took combat damage on Player 2's turn 5. On Player 3's turn 5 upkeep...