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  1. GwennieMacrae

    Does Reporting Players For Stalling Do Anything?

    Lemme firstly make it clear that im not complaining or speaking ill of the mods or whoever handles reports in anyway. I fully understand that stalling is a fairly minor offense and I don't expect nor even want the people who stall out on me to like get banned for life or anything like that. I'm...
  2. GwennieMacrae

    Confirmed Orvar Copies Itself If Targeted

    The wording on Orvar says "If it targets one or more other permanents" but atm, if you target Orvar itself with something it does trigger its ability and make a copy of itself.
  3. GwennieMacrae

    Auto-Pay Mana Option

    I feel this has probs been asked before. But I'd absolutely LOVE if we could have some lil option we could check a box for that just autopaid for mana costs rather than making us click through each time. This would especially help with stuff like doing the infinite Basalt Monolith trick in...
  4. GwennieMacrae

    Declined Doctor WHO set on MTGO

    Yeah, I would totally want a bunch of the Universes Beyond cards as well but sadly the main issue seems to always be licensing with them which stinks for sure. In theory though, if they could get it on I'd be all for it. More cards the merrier and all.
  5. GwennieMacrae

    Untrade Binder

    Both works for sure
  6. GwennieMacrae

    Untrade Binder

    I'm not sure if it'd help but one thing I'd absolutely LOVE to see is a "recently added" filter on both your collection and decks. Like so that you'd see the cards that you just recently got right at the top or if you were working on new decks you'd be able to see them at the top of your deck...
  7. GwennieMacrae

    Are Some Braids Precon Players Bots?

    Lemme preface this by making it clear that I'm sincerely not upset or complaining and I'm happy that there's new players coming to the game and I understand that assuming they were actual human players that they might need some time to get used to the program. It's just something that stood out...
  8. GwennieMacrae

    Token Choice

    Coolness! Much thanks for the link, I subbed.
  9. GwennieMacrae

    Token Choice

    Oh nice! It's good to know I wasn't tripping about there being a time when foil cards made foil tokens! I'd def wanna see your friends youtube of old school MTGO. I kinda miss the days of having backgrounds and avatars that showed damage and the cute lobby with tables and people walking around...
  10. GwennieMacrae

    Token Choice

    I'd def like this is a feature. On a related note, something I'd LOVE to see and something that I could have sworn we did have at some point is if foil token producers made foil tokens. I always liked foil cards and it bums me out a bit when all my cards are foil but then my tokens aren't.
  11. GwennieMacrae

    Harsher penalties for in-game harassment and misconduct

    Thank you! I do appreciate it and I have indeed reported the conduct of MCWC94 already last night.
  12. GwennieMacrae

    Harsher penalties for in-game harassment and misconduct

    I find these sort of threads almost always bring out a few people who will say some variation of "Harassment is needed to get a point across that we don't like what you're playing" and even stuff like "Would you rather verbal harassment or that I physically assault you" and please, I fully...
  13. GwennieMacrae

    Resolved some cards not displaying properly

    I've been getting this too. Like "borderless" cards are just showing up as mostly white with just the center image, mana cost and text showing.
  14. GwennieMacrae

    Resolved Card Zoom stuck on and sometimes black circles

    Lol pleeeeease fix this. I just lost a game when I finally had a playable hand with a goofy deck I made because I couldn't cast my commander. It just kept zooming in before I could click cast. I kept trying and trying, I got the "You will be timed out for inactivity" warning, I kept trying and...
  15. GwennieMacrae

    Resolved Card Zoom stuck on and sometimes black circles

    I do hope this is changed soon, its REALLY hard to make decks when I can only see a few cards on the screen at a time. I've def seen the black dot as well and experienced everything you're talking about in OP. I've also found it makes it harder to cast your commander and other spells as it'll...
  16. GwennieMacrae

    Could Not Reproduce Modal Cards Cant Be Cast

    Yeah darn. I'm not sure what else to say. I do believe its not easily reproduced. Modal cards work for me about 90% of the time or so but I do promise I'm not making this up and it does definitely happen and it has cost me games. There's been a number of other threads about this. IDK exactly...
  17. GwennieMacrae

    Minimum card size

    Okay, I thought it was just on my end. Yeah, I'm really hoping this is just some mistake they fix soon and they don't really plan on keeping it like this.
  18. GwennieMacrae

    Could Not Reproduce Can't speak in chat

    Maybe a month or two ago. I was most definitely having this same issue for awhile now though even before reinstalling. What stinks is it's likely gonna be another "Cannot Reproduce" thing as it doesn't always happen for me. It does happen fairly often, more often than the modal cards not working...
  19. GwennieMacrae

    Could Not Reproduce Modal Cards Cant Be Cast

    For real, im not trying to trip but I do 110% promise beyond the shadow of any doubt that this most definitely IS a thing that does happen. I believe it's not easily reproduced. It only happens to me every now and then as well but it DOES happen and it can totally mess up a game. There's def a...
  20. GwennieMacrae

    Could Not Reproduce Can't speak in chat

    Again, yes I totally get the irony of me bringing this up but since we can't fully block chat, I just gave in and accepted it. That aside, this is a problem I run into constantly. More often than not even, the send button in chat will be greyed for me preventing me from actually saying...