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  1. J

    Competitive-Format Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    Since we got assassin's creed, is Doctor Who and Fallout still both off the table, and if so who does the blame with that lay on?
  2. J

    Warhammer 40K Update

    That is fantastic new Tony. Well done for you all. Now who do we have to keep asking about for Doctor Who?
  3. J

    What are the "over 30 new cards" that were added in the latest update?

    the lists are here.
  4. J

    Please Make it Easier to Trade Newly Opened Cards

    this is a wonderful fantastic idea.
  5. J

    Commander-Specific Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    With Warhammer 40k and Doctor who having issues, will there also be issues with Fallout or Lara Croft on MTGO? Are we going to get the Universes Within Street Fighter cards, or plans for the D&D honor among thieves Secret Lair? I know a lot of this stuff is out of your Daybreaks hands, I'm just...
  6. J

    Doctor Who?

    this is disappointing, and it's unfortunate that paper commander will continue to not matchup with mtgo commander.
  7. J

    Competitive-Format Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    It looks like the scene cards will be in Treasure chests on the 14th, according to the weekly blog post today.
  8. J

    Innistrad: Crimson Vow Commander on MOL - is it possible?

    as far as I know, Daybreak is working on the lengthy backlog of commander products that Wizards didn't get to
  9. J

    Commander-Specific Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    are there plans for the universes within versions of the Street Fighter Cards yet?
  10. J

    Doctor Who?

    Is this Universes Beyond set being added to the Commander backlog as well?
  11. J

    Commander-Specific Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    the universes within version of Stranger Things is on the client!
  12. J

    Resolved Deck Brewer's Pass expired, but I can still use a cards.

    This is also happening for me as well. I don't mind it, but I only used the store code for the one day.
  13. J

    Partner message in Commander Masters Drafts

    I have run in to at least one player per pod (I've done 7 so far) that didn't know mono color commanders have partner. Is it to late to add a message in the entry fee screen thats clarifies that commander rule?
  14. J

    As Designed Hex Parasite in Commander

    that is not how I expected it to work, but thank you!
  15. J

    Is the LoTR a disaster?

    as far as I know, the contents of the bundles are already unique and can't be gotten via chests or packs.
  16. J

    As Designed Hex Parasite in Commander

    An opponent in game 833594204 cast a hex parasite, and used it, with x=5 to remove counters from a Tamiyo, the Moon Sage. It did not remove the counters.
  17. J

    Old School and PreModern filters and support.

    there is a monthly league that uses pre modern as a format that is organized on Gatherling. MTGO Classic is what Old School would be Both of these events and formats and others have been spearheaded by the...
  18. J

    Old School and PreModern filters and support.

    A lot of really great ideas on here already, especially for CEDH stuff. I feel like MTGO should really embrace the things that make the client special, the stuff that you can't do on Arena, as it does show off the whole of the game, I feel like having better access to popular player created...
  19. J

    Resolved Deck Building: Update with versions in my collection does not work anymore

    I am putting a quick video on my twitter account about (@JoshuaClaytor) It doesn't work with .dek files, or txt files. Red boarded cards don't seem to matter, as do decks that have the green triangle.
  20. J

    Resolved Deck Building: Update with versions in my collection does not work anymore

    This is something that is happening on my account as well.