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  1. Aldreen

    Add 'reset window position' button

    Occasionally, pop-out zones end up outside window bounds, and you can't bring them back due to not being able to begin dragging a window that you can't see. I propose a button next to the pop-out-zone button (only visible when zone is popped out?) that re-centers the popout to its default...
  2. Aldreen

    In Planning Change the connection-problem error message to not mention maintenance as primary cause.

    Whenever there is a connection problem, the login screen on the client states: "Magic online is currently offline for scheduled maintenance or otherwise unavailable". I propose changing this to something in the vein of: "Magic Online is currently unavailable. Please check your internet...
  3. Aldreen

    Competitive-Format Wishlist - Add to MTGO

    Seconding this comment, now that we have Duel Commander as a competitive format, clowning around is ever more relevant considering the convoke commanders that came out.
  4. Aldreen

    Declined Make full set objects tradeable

    The objects for full sets that you win in challenges and open in chests aren't tradeable. I suggest adding functionality to make them tradeable as a quality-of-life change. Right now if you win a set and want to sell the cards it's a bit messy when you want to trade away the cards but not other...
  5. Aldreen

    Add the ability to see your deck in premier limited events.

    see description. Currently there is no way to see your deck in premier limited events between or during rounds, this feels like something that should be possible. There is a 'deck' tab next to 'players joined', but it shows 'no deck history available'.
  6. Aldreen

    Could Not Reproduce Client server disconnection issues

    Multiple spikes hitting at 14:02 CEST, synchronized across both me and my friend playing at the same time
  7. Aldreen

    Resolved On the discord server, add a pingable 'news' role.

    They do, but that makes it the same level of visibility as anyone chatting in the general channel, which is far from as 'important'. But when there's news, I'd like to know. I feel that this is an improvement that takes little work, and is of no detriment for those who don't want to engage with...
  8. Aldreen

    Resolved On the discord server, add a pingable 'news' role.

    I'd like a news role on the discord server, so that one could sign up to be notified to whenver there is mtgo-related news in the news and announcements channel. That is all.
  9. Aldreen

    Import function for wishlist

    Currently we can import decks and binders with text-only or with specific cards. I'd like it so we could also import and set our wishlists in the same way. Alternately, the ability to set a specific binder as your current wishlist, as you then would be able to import to a binder and then do...
  10. Aldreen

    Not A Bug Populate Not Working With Incubate Tokens

    Incubator tokens are 0/0s with X +1/+1 counters, when you copy the token with populate, it correctly doesn't copy the +1/+1 counters. Cloakwood Swarmkeeper gets a counter because a token was created, it just died as soon as it was, due to being an 0/0. Not a bug
  11. Aldreen

    Foray of Orcs Bugged

    Opponent casts foray of orcs, with the reflexive damage trigger (deal damage equal to its power) on the stack, cast deceive the messenger on the army token. When the trigger resolved, 1 damage was dealt when it shouldn't. Game ID: 842987042
  12. Aldreen

    Confirmed Opponent's Foretell cards aren't shown anywhere

    You're right, and while it does show in the "exiled (can't be cast) zone for your own foretold cards, such as described in the first thread, they don't show up for your opponents cards. Can't reply to that post due to it being archived
  13. Aldreen

    Confirmed Opponent's Foretell cards aren't shown anywhere

    When my opponent foretells a card, it's not visible anywhere. It probably should be visible in the exile zone face-down?
  14. Aldreen

    Could Not Reproduce Hold CTRL to hold priority currently bugged.

    iirc you need to be holding CTRL when you *begin* activating the activated ability, not during. I haven't had issues with this recently (admittedly not a situation I'm in all too often either)
  15. Aldreen

    Implemented Show Tiebreakers for Events and Top 8 Play/Draw

    This fix isn't in the game anymore, tie breakers show as 0% in premier events.
  16. Aldreen

    Filtering defaults to ticked, suggest change to unticked

    In the game history you can filter games by opponent name, presumably to see how you've fared against that player in the past. Right now every player is "checked in", so to look up a specific player in your history you need to manually un-check for every player in your history. I suggest making...
  17. Aldreen

    Request - Locking cards in collection

    I frequently play sealed, and want to dump everything from a the set. To do this I often filter by set, and toss everything from there into a new binder. Occasionally this leads to me trading things I want to play in constructed that also were part of those sets that were in the limited...
  18. Aldreen

    Auto-Yield on spells

    We can auto-yield specific triggers for when they repeatedly occur, I would like this functionality for spells as well. For example when an opponent using an infinite loop with a spell to generate mana, I currently need to manually 'ok' every instance of that spell in order to receive priority...
  19. Aldreen

    Resolved Error installing new MTGO: URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697208'

    I also had this problem. I followed the advice in the thread below, and set "DisableCachingOfSSLPages"=dword:00000000 registry key. Now I'm getting a different error, which persists even after reverting the registry entry. It seems like I am able to download the application though, getting...